Hey fellas!
Everyone is getting one of these artist's blogs apparently so, i will too. it's much easier than making a website =o. well, my name is Sarah Burgess. so many people call me denji *laugh*.
ummm...Mostly i do comics, and lots of art. I specilise (i suppose) in more real-life style comics, although i prefer not tot be too angsty- so pretty much all my comics either have a happy ending or simply capture a moment in time.
Art style-my infleunces are a many. as a kid i pretty much grew up on a mixture of 90's cartoons, such as the cartoons of joe murray and such- and also a huuuuge infleunvce in manga, which shows. But also i am at the moment more infleunced by your usual 'indie' comic artists, and the 50's style art and cartoons. pie eyes are great!. i suppose my style is a mixture tohugh, of manga and very old style cartoons.
the Weather wookie book-I used to be a sweatdropper, but nowadays my comics took a 180. now i've decided to sell a book called, '
Weather wookie' - a 20 page book featuring both art and comics, all in full colour. hopefuly this will go on and on and on.....;;
well, enjoy =)